Hi, I'm Gijs

How do I pronounce your name?

That's how most meetings start. My answer: I don't care 🙂 First because it's almost impossible to pronounce in English, second reason is that I don't have any feelings when you get it wrong.

So my name is Gijs Nelissen. Living in Leuven, Belgium (but moving to Spain) together with Annelies who I proudly call my wife (although we're not married) and our 3 kids (Marcel, Lucie and Robbert).

I spend most of my time between being a parent and as a co-founder of Prezly (www.prezly.com). In the time I have left I spend way too much time in front of my computer, do urban gardening, and I am learning how to kite-surf.

On this webpage (recently switched from Ghost to Next.js) I write about product management, company culture & hiring, tech topics and maybe sometimes about my personal life.

Best way to reach me is on twitter



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